Recruiting Cleaners – A Cheap Tool To Create Attractive Facebook Ads

So it is no secret that Facebook is a powerful recruiting tool. A successful Facebook page can garner thousands of followers and instantly get job ads in front of those thousands. Additionally, you can “boost” or pay to advertise those posts in front of additional thousands and even pick the types of people you want to advertise to. It truly is an incredible tool. However, many people are hesitant to use Facebook because they aren’t certain how to do it well. They know it can be effective, but they don’t have the time or expertise to make it happen. Well, let me tell you about a really cool resource that can make you a Facebook advertising pro. is a graphic design website meant to help users just like you to create beautifully designed ads on Facebook and other social media platforms. Your ability to get people to click on your job ads will be directly correlated with the appealing nature of your graphic. In a world of “digital noise”, you must stand out. Canva makes that easy! You can choose from thousands of free or cheap images and add colorful text in a variety of fonts. And best of all, you don’t have to be tech savvy or possess graphic design skills. It really is that easy.

So let me encourage you to sign up for a Canva account and get started making professional Facebook ads. You really can improve your applicants per posting rate.


My BSC Mastermind group is having a webinar this Thursday at 12PM CST. The topic is recruiting with Facebook. If you are interested in trying out a free trial to the group, click here. You will get instant access to our private message boards, hours and hours of courses and past industry specific webinars, and a spot in our upcoming live webinar on this very important topic. Click the button below to learn more about the group:



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