Janitorial Marketing Video – Customizable For Your Company

In 2019, you can’t avoid using video as part of your marketing tactics to land new cleaning contacts. In fact, according to SmallBizTrends, global consumer Internet video traffic will account for 80% of all consumer Internet traffic in 2019. This is a statistic you simply can’t avoid. This is why we have hired a full time videographer to work in our company. The video above was inspired by a Google video titled “Parisian Love.” The goal is to connect on a emotional level with prospective customers who are not currently having a pleasant experience with their janitorial contractor and may be open to a change.

You can have this video – customized for your company

If you would like a copy of this video customized for your company, we can make that happen for you. Here are the details:

  • The cost of the customized janitorial marketing video is $250.
  • Send me an email (using the button below) notifying me of your interest. Included in this email should be your company logo, your website, and a word/phrase you want emphasized. In the video above, we emphasize “peace of mind.”
  • We can have the video created for you within 7 days.
  • We are only giving one video per geographic area to avoid two contractors using the same video with the same prospects.

We’ve already had over 10 companies reserve rights to the video in their area. Don’t miss out!



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