A Sneak Peek Into The BSC Mastermind Group

I could not be more excited with the quality of our Elite BSC Mastermind Group. Since our inception just a few months ago, we have grown to 25 SOLID members with more being added nearly every week. I have taken specific steps to ensure the group is solid and adds value to growing BSCs. Here are just a few of the things we do to make sure the group puts BSCs first.

  • Only certain contractors are let into the group. By having certain criteria we can ensure that each member adds value to the group. Companies of similar size are able to deliver a valuable peer experience.
  • Members are not being “sold” or advertised to. Unlike LinkedIN or Facebook groups, members aren’t constantly subjected to marketers trying to grab their attention.
  • Content is always delivered with the intent of helping BSCs grow and build great businesses.
  • Members are dedicated to helping one another, with several larger company owners devoting their time, knowledge, and experience to helping others in the group.

Here is a sneak peak into the group forum section. You will notice that the topics cover a wide range of information relevant to any BSC owner.

Here is a sneak peak into the files section of the Elite Mastermind Group. If you choose to join, you will have immediate access to all of the old webinars along with every other document, audio, and video.

If you even have a remote interest in joining the group, please know that there is a free 30-day trial period with NO OBLIGATION. Come check us out. But let me warn you, once you join, you won’t want to leave.

If you join now, you can sit in on this week’s webinar, “Recruiting and Hiring A-Level Managers.” You won’t want to miss it!

Click Here To Sign Up For Your Free 30-Day Trial And Gain Access To The Webinar

Click Here To Learn More About The Elite Mastermind Group


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